Thursday, April 24, 2014

Death Has A Name

The video I had selected explained some hidden clues behind the rise and occurrence of Yersinia pestis, although I had done the microbe previously there are contradicting believes about the actual transmission, livelihood of this deadly virus. The video immediately starts off with a melancholic song, a women singing in a foreign language very operatic and dramatic, this is followed by a bunch of pictures all adding to the image we immediately create as she sings. This is followed by two guest speakers, both accredited historians and doctors, this I didn’t think was too good, although the information they provided was adequate just having two guest appearing explaining their belief is a bit biased. The test directly correlates well with other outside knowledge and beliefs.

The author really took advantage of pathos, emotion played a critical role like explaining the mortality rate of this disease was 1:2 per Europeans resident, and also they compared the disease to us today. They compared our society and that was one factor, we are in a world of constant reliance on people or places like a grocery store, a paradox society handled this disease a lot better and were able to cope better than we would today. The last thing I really liked they had incorporated was the statement the dead were outnumbering the living, they were burying more people than the people alive this really made us understand the incredible strength of this virus. I think some questions I might ask that you don’t see a lot has to do with the counter measures, were the apothecaries and medication given at all helping? What type countermeasures were done and their effect? Perhaps the biggest question we all would have is the reason it just stopped, did we as human evolve a specific way to combat this deadly plague?

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