Microbes, some of the most intriguing organisms alive,
although they are tiny; not even visible by eye. Don't let that fool you, these
organisms have changed the face of the world as we know it, although they are
tiny they have overcome the odds and lived in an environment thought to be
impossible. The Atacama Mountains in South America have been known throughout
the world to produce some of the most dangerous and extreme conditions known to
man, at night it could go below negative, in the day it peaks around 133
degrees. If that wasn't scary enough for you it is a barren wasteland filled
with active volcanoes and hardly any rainfall, but as the article explained
these tiny organisms have uncovered a way to thrive where few dare even spend a
The article immediately draws you in, explaining the South American
mountains landscape, and why it is crucial for us to investigate these little
organisms. The article also doesn’t make assumptions immediately explain that
there is no information yet about how these remarkable beings convert energy.
Energy is required for all living things to strive without energy nothing
works, in the bacteria, fungi and protists discovered all are not known organisms,
it seems they do not possess any photosynthesis organs. So this ponders the
question how, without any way of converting energy how are they living. Then we
think about water, it is crucial for any organisms to sustain life water must
be present. In a dry wasteland like this how is it possible for these organisms
to be present. The article addresses all these questions not as an answer
because truly there is not one, it simply states with more research the answer
would become clear. In the end it was truly intriguing and opens your eyes to
the wonder that are microorganisms.
Article :http://www.bitsofscience.org/extremophile-bacteria-archaea-volcano-6094/
Picture: http://d.wapday.com/animation/ccontennt/7596-f/volcano_eruption.gif?__sid=ggl&lang=en